Sunday, 3 June 2012

The Diamond Valley Parade

… and so it starts!

We just filled out the calendar for all the rehearsals and performances for the Round Up Band and it's really looking busy.  I was thrilled to hear that Erin would be one of the Drum Majors for the June 2 Diamond Valley parade (a joint venture between Black Diamond and Turner Valley, two towns that are very close together.

It was a rainy day but it settled down before the parade.  It turned out beautiful, as a matter of fact… not too hot and not wet!  The only mistake was that we made was getting on the wrong side of the street.  Erin was the Drum Major farthest from us.  The Drum Majors wear black tops and carry a mace, while the regular band members wear blue tops and carry their instruments.

I didn't see Tim when I was filming.  He plays the tenor saxophone and we later found out that he wore blue plaid underwear instead of the "official" gray undergarments.  The white pants are semitransparent so this kind of faux pas can lead to being pulled from the marching order.  Maybe you can spot him in this clip (again, I think he was farthest from where we were sitting … but I don't recall seeing him).

Friday, 1 June 2012

Evolution of a Field Show

Both my kids are in Calgary Round Up Band.  Erin is a Drum Major-in-Training (A D.I.T.) and Tim was selected to do some of the "motion" elements on the field.  The clips I have here don't highlight Erin much (she spends a lot of time on the right hand side of the field and is carrying a Tenor Saxophone) but Tim is easy to recognize:  he has his pyjamas on!  You'll see him fight Jordan (who's not recognizable as himself:  he's wearing a full-body "Bowser" costume).

The first clip shows the field show in its more-or-less raw state.  It's the first public performance and was done in Red Deer in early May.  There are some elements where they just stood and played.

This next clip is of the more polished show that was done on May 27th.  If you don't want to watch both clips, this is the one to see!  I'll have even more practiced versions online after they become available!

Tim was also asked to help out the Stampede Band with their 100 Anniversary show.  He's the teenager in their field show:

(And if you want to see the less-polished version of the show above, watch the link below).