Friday, 13 July 2012

Final Performance of "The Legend Continues" for CSSB

… and here it is!  This is the world-championship winning performance by the Calgary Stampede Show Band for 2012!

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Final Performance of "Video Games" for CRUB!

This is the last-ever performance of "Video Games" for the Round Up Band.  They competed in the finals for the World Association of Marching Show Bands in Calgary 2012.  The finals were done at the Stampede centennial.

We're so proud of CRUB for their magnificent work!

Monday, 9 July 2012

Video Games!

This is the Round Up Band's performance for the World Association of Marching Show Bands.  This is the second day of competition.  The Band earned a score of 82.7 which is a Silver Medal performance.  They will again play on Tuesday night and will make some adjustments based on the statements from the judges.

My son Tim is the gamer wearing an orange shirt.  Jordan, his friend, is Bowser and he's wearing a heavy costume on a *very* hot day.  My daughter Erin plays the saxophone in the right hand side of the field.  Congratulations, CRUB!

Sunday, 8 July 2012

"The Legend Continues…"

The Stampede Band killed on the first day of the World Association of Marching Show Bands (WAMSB).  There was excellent competition - particularly from a High School band from Taiwan - but the Calgary Stampede Band won by about five points.  Their score was 93.3, which merited "Gold with Honours".

We in the stands aren't sure about the scoring.  There were about five golds that went out, along with one gold and one silver.  The finals are on Tuesday July 10 at 6pm at the Stampede grounds.  Perhaps the scores just indicate who goes forward and who doesn't?

The Round Up Band plays today - first up at 10 am.  I'll post that show as soon as I can.

Saturday, 7 July 2012


Well, it's the 2012 Stampede - the centennial year for the festival.

The parade this year drew around 400 000 people.  Tim and Erin were part of it.  Erin is the Drum Major (DIT, actually:  Drum Major in Training).  We're so proud of both of the kids!

Here's them performing "Build Me Up Buttercup" (one of my favourite marching pieces).